2-23-10    THE BOOK MAN

It’s not easy for me to head over to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles every Monday morning to read and hand out books to the children as they walk in and out of the hospital with their parents or grandparents for the various treatments and appointments they have with their doctors at the hospital.

Most of the kids would never have you imagine they had anything they’d need treated but some of the young children that come to me to hear a story or receive a free book are obviously suffering from serious physical and medical ailments.  I look only into their eyes and see the beauty of their souls but feel within me a great sorrow that so young a person needs to suffer so for no reason as to anything they ever did.  I don’t question God but I can hurt emotionally.

The smile never leaves my face or heart as we chat, get to know each other and share the joy we all enjoy as they hear stories or receive their books.

Yesterday, in the middle of my hour at the hospital, a young boy ran up to me and yelled back to his mother, “Look mommy, The Book Man Is Here,” as he jumped up on my lap.

Okay, even as I sit here and write, the wonder of the positive feeling I had yesterday is again tingling my body.  I’m no sissy but I do get tears in my eyes when something touches my soul.


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